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Is my son or daughter ready for a real job?

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Click the answer button after each of the following questions below for a pop-up answer.

bullet But, my son or daughter does not have the skills to meet the demands of a real job and needs training.
bullet The workshop is a safe place, and I don’t think my son or daughter should be alone in a community job. He or she has never been without the support of the agency’s staff.
bullet I don’t know what kind of job my son or daughter would like.
bullet How will my son or daughter get to work?
bullet I don’t imagine that he or she would be making very much money.
bullet My son or daughter can’t lose Social Security benefits and Medicaid. The reality is that he or she needs the benefits and health care coverage.
bullet My son or daughter has friends in the workshop. Going to work would mean losing those friends.

Question:  I have been told that my son or daughter is not ready to work in the community. I don't know how a business would hire him or her. Is it really possible?

VIDEO TEXT: Supported employment eliminates the need for a person to get ready to work. If your son or daughter wants to work, now is the time. A key aspect is finding work that matches interests and skills. Using this approach, an employment specialist works closely with a job seeker. He or she will negotiate a specific position that uses the persons talents to match the needs of a workplace. The goal is not just to locate any job, but a job that capitalizes on your son or daughters abilities. If you have more questions click on the links.

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Contributors: Dr. Katherine Inge, Project Director, T-TAP - VCU,; Ms. Pam Targett, Employment Services Director, RRTC on Workplace Supports,

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© 2007-17 All rights reserved by the Florida Developmental Disabilities Council. Content: USF, Dale DiLeo
Sponsored by U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration on Developmental Disabilities and the Florida Developmental Disabilities Council, Inc.