parent with child this window.

Work with your family member to support him or her to:

Set personal goals.

Solve problems that act as barriers to achieving these goals.

Make appropriate choices based on personal preferences and interests.

Participate in decisions that impact the quality of their lives.

Advocate for themselves

Create action plans to achieve goals.

Self-regulate and self-manage day-to-day actions.

Powers, L., Wilson, R., Matuszewski, J., Phillips, A., Rein, C., Schumacher, D. & Gensert, J. (1996).
Facilitating adolescent self-determination: What does it take?
In D.J. Sands & M.L. Wehmeyer (Eds.), Self-determination across the life span:
Independence and choice for people with disabilities (pp. 257-284). Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes.